Saturday, 9 April 2011

Birth of a Blogger

Well, I never thought I would ever be doing this but here goes - my first blog! And for once in my life I am lost for words......

And now, more than 2 weeks after my enlightened contribution from above,  I am still struggling to find something worthy of typing. Mind you the fact that I seem to have 7 followers without blogging anything so far... well I can see how the attention might be addictive for some. Makes you feel quite special really.

So, a good place to start might be my view of the social constructivist approach. Well, it seems to go hand in hand with the use of web 2.0 in education but it is something I still have to get my head around in the classroom. I still prefer a good old fashioned face-to-face conversation with my fellow students - discussions boards and blogs just don't provide the same level of interaction and engagement, along with all the humour, anger, frustration and the light bulb moment, that a "in-house" class discussion can often provide.

I think I might feel more favourably towards wikis as an educational tool, once I find out exactly what it does and how to use it. Stay tuned, as they say!


  1. Hi Trudy

    I would love to be the first to comment on your blog. I agree with you when you say you are lost for words as I have yet to start my blog and post my first comment and like you have followers!

    I also prefer the face to face but we have to move with the times it we are to be progressive teachers!

    Congrats on getting started, wish me luck on mine!

    Stay tuned!

    Cindy :)

  2. Hey Trudy,
    While I'm not quite so at a loss for words with blogging I have to emphatize with you as I'm going through the same process when it comes to posting comments on other people's sites. I love reading blogs but when it comes to the comments bit, I draw a big blank as to finding something worthy to say. And while I love my face-to-face time with you, I do believe I will forget to share this with you when I see you next ;)

  3. My apologies Deb. It has only taken me close to 2 months to reply. I have been so absorbed in thinking of something interesting to write each week, as well as constructing and 'playing' with my wiki, not to mention the information overload from Uni, that I have neglected to reply to people's comments on my blog. I have to admit (Mark, please ignore this bit) that I haven't even read anyone else's blog as yet, which I know, is not the Social Constructivist thing to do but you have to excuse me. As much as I like the technology, keep in mind that for my first degree, I use to save my work on those huge floppy disks. Yes, they were really floppy. Look forward to reading your blog tonight, along with about 10 others.
